Somehow you manage to put a positive spin on a gut punch. The humiliation in this business gets little notice. Thank you for sharing. Right after Covid I was thrilled to get on a new series with a few lines and work with a well known director. There were multiple costumes with added scenes. After a few takes, the director yelled at the DP , "I don't want to see her!" The last 3 scenes were cut and we wrapped. No explanation. No communication except from the script supervisor who was apologetic. I left sobbing, but we all had masks, so who could tell. I ended up with credit in 2 episodes, so recurring... Residuals are the best revenge. Know what? In 20 years you will be playing your current age. That's what I'm doing. 😎 Your writing is keeping us sane. Thank you.

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Oh, Karen! Honestly, how dare you be treated that way. Truly. How dare they. I’m so sorry. And who knows what was going on with the production and that director, but still, you are worth being treated much better than that. I’m glad Scripty was able to recognize that and be kind. It only takes one person to cut through the nonsense and see the humanity in someone, but still, it should be the norm and not the exception. You CASH THOSE CHECKS GIRL!

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You are so brave to share your stories which helped me to tell mine, still painful, but without the shame. Thank you, Bethany!

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I had a friend from Atlanta, who was a local hire for a SAG TV show filming in Florida (she had a speaking role). She was playing an astronaut's wife. After all the

astronaut wives were in costumes, makeup done, the director had them line up. "She's too young" said the director, pointing to my friend. He said this in front of everyone! And she was let go on the spot. The good news is they brought her back for a different episode in a different role.

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Loving the newsletter. Thanks, Bethany!!

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Thank you!

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Thank you for sharing this - I thought my shame and humiliation were isolated instances (yes, plural - it’s now happened twice), and hearing your experience along with other respected actors - I now feel less of a pariah. The first one - I auditioned on a Monday, was cast on Tuesday, and filmed on Wednesday. This was many years ago, and I was cast in a recurring role to play the nemesis of the lead on a new tv show (it was REALLY bad and did not last!). I arrived on set and they put me in a push-up bra, form-fitting clothing, false eyelashes, flat-ironed hair. On Friday, my agent called to tell me they were re-casting me because I looked too young to be the contemporary of the lead actress. As with you, I did not change age in the matter of a few days. Wardrobe & H/mu just created a perfect storm for disaster.

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Ohhhhhh no. These things never happen to just one of us! Lynne, I can feel how humiliating that must’ve felt. Those things when we know the hair/makeup/wardrobe on our body just isn’t right, but we often don’t have the power to say anything. But that call must’ve been so hard to take! As though rejection after rejection in auditions isn’t enough… add a rejection AFTER booking the job.

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What’s crazy is that the producer could’ve just said something like “hey we’re running behind, and so we’re having to trim some scenes, and so we won’t be needing you, so sorry.”

A little fib could’ve avoided all that trauma you went through.

So sorry you had to go through that. Reading it made me feel icky. I can’t even imagine how you felt.

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Ya know, in this case I was glad to have a reason I guess. It would’ve been nice if they’d just given me another 2 line role later in the season? A cafeteria lady maybe? It would’ve been nice if they admitted THEIR OWN mistake in calling me in for a role I was too old for? It would’ve been nice if they’d just shot the scene and basically not shown my face because… they hardly needed to. Honestly, just so, so silly to me now.

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This happened to me recently. Producers walked me from set because my red hair was,”too distracting.” 😑 They knew I had red hair when they hired me!

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These people. THESE PEOPLE.

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