May 24Liked by Bethany Anne Lind

You inspire me, too.

Also, BABY REINDEER IS SO GOOD. The honesty, the authenticity, the vulnerability, the humor, the weirdness, the truth of it…ugh, so so good.

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May 24Liked by Bethany Anne Lind

I’m hate loving Baby Reindeer but only three episodes in. It’s a tough watch.

Also you are brilliant.

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May 24Liked by Bethany Anne Lind

“I wanted to tell her that work has been so slow for me that my child asked what my job is because she couldn’t remember” — I felt this in my soul.

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“What even is your job, mom?” Almost made me double over.

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May 24Liked by Bethany Anne Lind

Thank you Bethany. Have been going through the same... You express so succinctly and with a beautiful vulnerability what I haven't been able to. Thank you for being an inspiration. :)

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May 26Liked by Bethany Anne Lind

This blog is so good...every time I read it I feel heard and seen and less lonely especially in this business. Thank you for allowing your vulnerability to resonate with us. PS I'm glad that these big stars were able to see the greatness that we've been so lucky to witness for so long.

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May 24Liked by Bethany Anne Lind

Your words are a tonic. I drink them in - like an infusion - of courage and faith and you-are-not-alone-in-this! THANK YOU!

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May 24Liked by Bethany Anne Lind

Yes to Baby Reindeer, Bird by Bird, and all the feelings that you've articulated so perfectly. You ARE magnificent and inspiring, my beautiful friend.

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May 24·edited May 24Liked by Bethany Anne Lind

The beauty of your words continue to inspire me. Thank you.

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May 24Liked by Bethany Anne Lind

Thank you Bethany! The day after is what this industry has been for me after every opportunity as a Non-Union Hair Artist! I thank God for the opportunity. I do a daily examination of conscious. Then I get in car, drive back home, and continue life as I wait for the next opportunity! Continue to enjoy the times with your blessings as you wait for that "Big Break"!

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May 24Liked by Bethany Anne Lind

Such a strange thing we do. I liken it to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Not from "Hamlet" per se but from "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead" by Tom Stoppard. Lot's and lots of waiting and then wondering, "Why are we here?" "We were sent for." Waiting around and bored and then boom here comes everyone, a scene happens and then they're gone. Poof! Now what? "Why are we here?"

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Ha! Yes, perfect. It feels like we go to the moon a few days, weeks, months here and there and then come back and are like… am I really an astronaut?

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May 24Liked by Bethany Anne Lind

I like that analogy. Stealing that.

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May 24Liked by Bethany Anne Lind

Well damn Bethany! You so beautifully put into words troubling feelings that I’ve had and imponderable thoughts about this “life” and “career” that have often kept me awake and unsettled many days. I appreciate and admire you❤️

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